BINGO Night!!

I feel like BINGO should be all caps. Is that right? Eh, however you want to type it, tonight was BINGO night! Yessiree!

It’s not very often that I get out to do fun things without my girls, so this was a real treat. I stayed out til 9:30!! Look at me go!! Thankful I have some awesomely sweet friends who offered to keep my girls so I could have some me time.  It was much needed.

Here’s my pre-BINGO selfie. Don’t I look excited?!

Before the game I met my coworker friend Kelly and her sister Crystal for dinner. It was delish. It’s weird to say this, but the steamed broccoli was the bomb. I think I could have eaten a plateful of it.

Okay, so we were completely confused when we walked into the BINGO hall. We were definitely newbies. Did you know they have half a dozen different card options? What are they all for? I think I was just getting cards because I didn’t have a clue what was going on and a helper lady started coming to our table each time something new was going on and she explained it to us. Everything happened so fast that I think we would have been lost without her.

Ready to go!!!

An incredibly hilarious moment came during the Lightning round. They were reading off numbers on the front of the cards as they got started and all at once Kelly, Crystal, and I shot up our hands and shouted “THAT’S MY NUMBER!!!!” …and then we hear laughter. That’s when we realized that we hadn’t won anything and didn’t have a clue what was going on and so we started laughing uncontrollably. We were laughing so hard that tears were falling. This was gut wrenching, fall over, snorting laughter. We don’t know for sure, but we now think that maybe they call the ticket numbers so no one can bring a card from the previous week, but we didn’t know that. We thought we had won! Apparently everyone else knew better. At least we provided some entertainment!!

Our dobber pic. They were scented!!!

I came close a couple times but didn’t win. Crystal won twice though!!! She won the last two games! I was just excited that one of us won, but we definitely got a few dirty looks and whispers. These BINGO players don’t mess around! They had troll dolls and everything! Just like the Internet memes!

After I picked my girls up my oldest begged to do sparklers. She’s been asking to do some since Nana gave them to her a week ago. I gave her one and she kinda freaked out and had me do the others.

I didn’t do my workout today. Ate well. Didn’t drink enough water. But I had fun!!! I’ll get it tomorrow. I also babysat today and took the kids geocaching so that was fun. It was a pretty day so we had to enjoy it. It was a nice break from the really hot days we’ve been having and will have this next week.

My public service announcement of the day: If you’ve never gone to a BINGO night then you must. At least once. It was quite the experience. It can also be a cheap date, depending on how many cards you get.

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