Momma’s On The Brink!

Momma’s on the brink!!! So often we hear this phrase and think “Uh oh… She’s about to lose it.” We think of a woman who has just about been driven to the point of madness. But according to Webster, brink can also mean “a point of beginning,” and that’s what this is. It’s a new beginning.

This is the most recent, full length photo I have of myself. Ignore the silly Cinco de Mayo pinata outfit. Not a great “before” pic for comparison, but I haven’t wanted full length photos taken of me for over a year now.

And here’s me and my oldest girl after I ran in the Color Run 3 years ago.

I was in the best shape I had been in for quite some time, and I felt the best I had in years. I want to get back to that and better.

With this blog, I’m hoping to record my process (and progress) toward better eating, better fitness, and better overall health and well-being. It’s time to spend some time on me, so I can be the best me to take care of those around me.

Dealing with some “stuff” today, so I’m hoping to start the fitness routine tomorrow. But today I did get outside to dig in the dirt and plant my tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, and watermelon. I also ate blueberries with breakfast, homemade black bean salsa with half a sandwich at lunch, and cucumbers and a fruit salsa with a small bit of tuna pasta for dinner. I love having fresh fruits and veggies in the house. They taste amazing, so it makes it so much easier to eat well.

Until tomorrow…


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